Tuesday, 14 February 2012


Been a while since a last posted a blog update. Been lazy on the blogging front, but not on the playing poker. I did have a lot of things to say in this blog, but I'm forgetting them as I'm writing.

Firstly I'll start off with new years resolutions (only a month and a half late :D). Quite a few people have asked me to say what mine are, well personally I don't have any nor do I really want any. The fact that it has to be a specific day of the year for people to set a years long resolution is lazy and doomed to fail from the start. This is just my view so please don't get offended. I guess I would say I have one goal that starts from January 1st which is to achieve Supernova for the calender year. A 2007 study by Richard Wisemen from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail,

On the poker side of things I'm really pleased on the volume I'm putting in and the results that I'm getting. Taken quite a nasty swing in the hyper turbo heads up games, but the 180s have been going great. I'm receiving coaching from Glitlr for the 180s and I gotta say, what a great coach. His style is unorthodox, but its works really well for me, definitely would recommend. 147_star has reviewed some HH for my HU and pointed out some useful things, hopefully that will help push my HU results in a better direction.

The prop bet is now weeks away. We have now got enough bettors and also an escrow as well as a judge, so shouldn't be any reason why it doesn't happen. Definitely looking forward to it and I'm using my one time to win it :)  Planing to trial 2/3days of prop bet volume/hours later this week to see how I cope, hopefully I shouldn't need too much caffeine to get me through the long days.

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